
My first blog award!

How fun is this!  Thanks to Crafting Misfit for giving me my first blogger award!  The versatile blogger.  Just gives me all sorts of warm fuzzies! 

The "rules" of this award:
1. Thank the person who sent it to you  (Wow I did this without even knowing the rules! HA I'm gooood! )2. Tell 7 things about yourself
3. Send this to 5 fellow versatile bloggers

1.  I have been married for 11 years.
2.  I have 4 girls, ages 10, 7, 4 and 23 months.
3.  I love to craft (the rules didn't state that you couldn't state the obvious! :)
4.  I came from a family of 4 children.
5.  I think this is noteworthy... Both my husband and I have 1 set of parents and 2 sets of grandparents.  (no divorces on either side in either generation!!)
6.  I am not easily annoyed, but what I do find annoying is when other people get annoyed easily.  Just let it go people!
7.  I don't like cooking.  I can cook but it is NOT my favorite thing to do.  The only thing I like about it is eating the finished meal.  I can do that if someone ELSE cooks it too, so what's the point of me doing it?  :)  Ok I confess I still do it most of the time.  But we have been known to have cold cereal for dinner at our house... (don't judge!)

Ok so the 5 people I am sending it to are:

1. Green scrap at Earthy Scrap
2. Kate at Small Bits of Paper
3. Scrappers Anonymous
4. My 3 E Scrapbooking
5. Sandee at Inspired to create

They are all fabulous bloggers and make some wonderful stuff!  Check them out!  Those are links up there so make sure to go visit their blogs too!   And Crafting Misfit her link is up at the top of the post! 


  1. Thanks so much, Jenae! How kind of you to pass this along to me. It was wonderful to read more about you!

  2. Thank you so much for thinking of me! I enjoyed looking through your blog and I am now one of your followers! :)

  3. Congratulaions on your award! Guess what? I have 2 more for you to accept on my blog! You deserve them!

  4. Hi Jenae, and CONGRATULATIONS on your award!! After perusing your blog, I can tell you deserve it. =] I just wanted to say thank you for leaving such a sweet comment on my man-apron tutorial the other day!! It warmed my heart and meant the world to me to know that I’ve inspired you, even in this small way. =] Your family is SO CA-UTE!!! I’d SO love to see a picture of all of you (including the hubs and his apron) on Father’s Day!! Thank you again for the kind words. =]

    ~Nicole @ www.shabbybeachnest.com

  5. Thank You so much for the award!! I love your blog also!! I'm so glad there are no divorces in your family, 90% of my family have been divorced at least one time, I hate it :/
    God Bless your family and thanks again.
    Take Care!!
    Jennie @ http://earthyscrap.blogspot.com/
